Why did I choose my major?

When I was a little kid, my mom worked at a newspaper (she is a publicist), so I went there with her everyday after playground. When I was there, I used to visit the radio and editorial, I think that my love for the mass media and journalism was born in that place. Even so, I never thought as an option to study until my eight grade. I had to do a report for my school and my teacher said that my work was really good and that I could be a good journalist, in that moment I thought "mmm a journalist?" so I investigated about the career and I felt in love with it. Before that, I wanted to be a doctor and architect.

At present, as a third year journalism student, I would have liked to had the practical subjects in person. Even so, my experience at the
university has been very comforting, I have met wonderful people. I am happy with what I chose.


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