My dream job

What is my dream job? I am currently studying journalism so personally I would like to work on television. This semester I have a subject called Television Journalism and I like it a lot because it is very adrenaline rush to have to make the news quickly and audiovisual.

Although I would like to work in Chilean television, I prefer to work in another country. I imagine myself working in Spain, it is my dream workplace. I like the Spanish media. In addition, I would like to study a postgraduate degree in that country when I finish my college career.

Another country that I would like to work, regardless of whether it is on television or not, is Canada. I would have to specialize more in English and learn some French, but I feel that it is a country with many opportunities and that it can provide me with many lessons. In addition, in that country journalists receive a much higher salary than that received in Chile

On the other hand, I imagine being a television correspondent, I really like traveling and seeing other places. In addition, I am quite interested in international journalism. This year I also have a subject related to that and I am really liking it.


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