A photo that I like

Before explaining the reason why I like this photo, I need to say who are the people who appear in the photo. They are my friends: Valentina, Constanza and I (In that order). Valentina and Constanza were some of the first people I spoke to when I entered to University. It was great because we became friends very quickly, I remember that we had known each other for a week when we went to see Camila Gallardo at a festival. We gave each other trust and I think that´s wonderful.

In 2019, when we were in our first year of university, we hung out most of the time in the cafeteria on campus or in my department. We saw each other almost every day but when after the pandemic started we couldn't continue seeing each other because I went to Villa Alemana and Valentina to Osorno.

We spent almost two years talking on Zoom, until last week we could see each other. It was very beautiful, I missed them a lot.

The reason why I like that photo is because seeing them after almost two years was a very nice moment for me, made my year so much better.


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